Our ophthalmologist and ophthalmology technician allow 30-45 minutes for an initial exam. If indicated, they will initially test your pet’s tear production, check for corneal ulceration with a fluorescein stain, and screen for the presence of glaucoma. Typically, the complete eye exam will only take 5 minutes; however, the remainder of the appointment time ensures that your pet’s diagnosis will be fully explained by our board-certified ophthalmologist.
Sudden-onset squinting, profuse ocular discharge, redness, a “blue” appearance to the front of the eye, abrupt visual deficits, or severe eyelid swelling are all possible indications that your pet is experiencing an ophthalmic problem.
Although the majority of our patients are dogs and cats, our ophthalmologist is trained to evaluate all animals, In conjunction with our Avian & Exotics service, we also collaborate on the ocular health of your family birds, reptiles, pocket pets, rabbits, etc.