To schedule an appointment please call 713-693-1111. You can also email us at
We understand the anxiety that comes with having a hospitalized pet. That is why our technicians are able to provide the most complete information as to your pet’s condition. These updates are regularly given after 10:00 am to allow time for the doctor to evaluate your pet’s progress and review his/her lab work. Given our desire to focus our efforts on patient care, after-hours updates are typically only on an as-needed basis
Hospital telephone hours are:
Please Note: Due to the high volume of calls that our doctors receive, many calls are returned after the hospital closes. For this reason, please leave the daytime and evening telephone numbers where you may be reached. The doctors may have their trained technicians handle some calls in order to get back to you in the shortest possible time. It is very helpful to us if we only communicate with one family member.
When a hospitalized patient is able to be discharged our skilled assistants will call to schedule a time to pick up your pet. Establishing a specific pick up time enables us to prepare medications and discharge instructions so that your wait will be minimal when you arrive to take your pet home. All of our hospitalized patients will either be provided a complete or preliminary discharge summary upon release that contains the doctor’s findings, recommendations, and treatment plan. A technician will review the discharge summary instructions and all medications with you when you pick up your pet. If you have further questions, the technician will relay them to the doctor and get back to you as soon as possible.