To schedule an appointment please call 713-693-1111. You can also email us at
An admission time for your pet will be arranged between 7:00 – 8:00 am. This will enable us to provide the best quality of care to both you and your pet. Please be sure your pet does not eat after 10:00 pm the day prior to any anesthetic procedure or surgery. It is okay to provide water during the night until 6:00 am. Be sure to discuss all current medications with your pet’s doctor to determine if they should be given the morning of the procedure. It is imperative that you leave phone numbers where you can be reached during the day, as well as during the evening hours. We will provide a Patient Admission Information Form for you to fill out at admission time. Please indicate on this sheet if your pet has experienced any changes in their condition over the last 24 hours. Please notate the food and/or medication your pet has had over the last 24 hours, and if you are leaving food and medication for us to administer during their stay. A dentistry staff member will admit your pet the morning of the procedure; if you have additional questions for the doctor, please let us know prior to admission.
One of our dentistry technicians will call you with an update following the procedure. It is important to note that even though your pet will be admitted in the morning, it does not necessarily mean that surgery will be performed in the morning. The morning admission time allows the doctors and staff to prepare for your pet’s needs. The staff at Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists is here not only to provide patient care, but also to act as a liaison between you, your pet, and the doctor. Please let them know if you have questions or concerns so they can help. We are a 24-hour patient care facility.
Visitation should be scheduled in advance with the Dentistry Department. Length of visits will be determined by your pet’s condition, and may be limited if it is in your pet’s best interest. Please talk with your doctor about visitation, as there will be times when visitations are not in the best interest of the patient. Daily updates will be given if your pet is hospitalized for more than one night. Visitations on the same day of surgery are not recommended.
One of our staff members will contact you when your pet is ready to go home. One of our dental technicians will go over discharge instructions with you at the time of discharge. If you have ANY questions, please ask the discharging technician at that time. If a recheck appointment is needed, please schedule the appointment before leaving. When you get home, please look over the discharge instructions in the event you may have questions. Please do not hesitate to call or email with questions or concerns. Additionally, we welcome your comments and suggestions on how we can improve our care for you and your pet.