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Seizure Follow Up Form
This form is for the referring veterinarian to complete.
Patient Name and Signalment (Breed, Age, M/F):
Client Name:
Best Contact Phone Number or Email:
Referring Clinic, Doctor :
What seizure medication is the pet currently on (concentration and dosing)?
Current Seizure Log (frequency, duration, date of most recent seizure):
Please give us a brief summary of the last physical exam on the pet:
How does the client feel the pet is on current medications (happy with the current level of control, feels like there is progression, would like to achieve better control, etc.):
Any medication intolerances or sensitivities?:
Please attach all labwork (cbc/chemistry panel, anti-epileptic drug levels):
Drop files here or
Select files
Max. file size: 300 MB.
Would you like a follow up email/call from a neurologist to discuss medication adjustments?
Yes, please follow up regarding changes to current medication dosages.
No further communication is needed.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.
Patient Name and Signalment (Breed, Age, M/F):
Client Name:
Best Contact Phone Number or Email:
Referring Clinic, Doctor :
What seizure medication is the pet currently on (concentration and dosing)?
Current Seizure Log (frequency, duration, date of most recent seizure):
Please give us a brief summary of the last physical exam on the pet:
How does the client feel the pet is on current medications (happy with the current level of control, feels like there is progression, would like to achieve better control, etc.):
Any medication intolerances or sensitivities?:
Please attach all labwork (cbc/chemistry panel, anti-epileptic drug levels):
Drop files here or
Select files
Max. file size: 300 MB.
Would you like a follow up email/call from a neurologist to discuss medication adjustments?
Yes, please follow up regarding changes to current medication dosages.
No further communication is needed.
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.